Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sick Day

Well, the 2yo was home sick yesterday, so I got to spend some time at home too. We did breathing treatments, read books, watched PBS sprout, and in between, I got some knitting time!!!!!

I got to do another 30 min on Hubby's basic black sock - got to do that in the morning with good natural light. Poor thing, he asked me about it, because he hadn't seen it yet, and I had to tell him it was only 3/4" long.

I started the little one's second purple sock :) and have gotten a good inch or so done on it. I also finished my heel flap on my bamboo sock - I didn't do the heel turn, because I prefer to do that when I can be uninterrupted in my counting!

I also started a baby hat for the 6yo's teacher. It is kind of fun to know a lot of people having babies right now, because baby hats seem to not take so long - that is as long as your not trying to knit on 4 different things in one day. But, that was how the day was going, so that is what I did!

Now I think I need a sick day all by myself - I don't see that happening any time soon. Especially when I want it so that I can sit and knit all day and not be interrupted!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't that what "snow days" are for?

Glad little one is doing better.

Happy Knitting