Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Back to School!

Hooray! The big one is finally fever free and was able to go back to school today, much to her protests! That meant I was finally able to run a few errands, get a few things done, and make some more knitting plans!

I started the day by making the little one a little camisole to wear under a Dora nightgown that she got for her birthday that she says hurts and now won't wear. I have fixed it on 4 different occasions, still to no avail. So I made her the undershirt, which fits beautifully. She had the nightgown on and was fine until bedtime issues were not going her way, and she threw a fit again, balled, and made me want to pull all my hair out! The nightgown was angrily thrown in the trash, by me, and off she was to put something else on. Fortunately, the shirt that I made she still likes and is still on. My anger was definitely fueled by the thumb I found in her mouth. We successfully got rid of the paci, and I am already fighting a much longer thumb sucking battle. I am not about to have a second thumb sucker!

On a much happier, and knittier note, the big one has picked out a new pair of socks for me to make her. It is Ann Budd's Mock Wave Cable socks, and she has been wanting red socks out of this yarn for quite some time, so this will be my March Sockdown entry. Now I just need to finish the second ramble sock. (at least it is started)

I have also been braving the cold, as it has been cold and windy, and spring - outdoor sports have started. I have gotten this beautiful navy blue superwash wool (I can wash and dry it in the machines) and I plan to make a simple ribbed hat and some wrist warmers out of it for work! Far and away, I must say that around here, baseball season is so much colder than football season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But she's just too adorable even if she is your challenge. She knows how to push your buttons just like she knows how to push her sister's. This too shall pass...until the next challenge:)

I'm anxious to see the rambler socks.