ok!" must be said with great
exasperation! Kind of like "I know, I know". This is the newest phrase from my 3yo! I seem to be told this a lot lately! Maybe it doesn't help that we are talking constantly about staying in our bed at bedtime. At least she is keeping her thumbs out of her mouth! As exhausting as the
night times have been, she is still pretty adorable in the mornings. Today was her second day at her new preschool. Yesterday we had to peel her off of me, and today she was off with a few of the girls waving at me, "Bye Mom!" That, and she talked about her "exciting adventures" from yesterday all the way to school! It sure is a good thing she is so cute!
The big one is doing well too, with her assembly yesterday and being recognized in front of the whole school as one of the
Kindergartners that knows all 51 of her site words. She even earned a real golden dollar for it!
It is a good thing we have telephones, because I am not going to be home much in the evenings thanks to all the spring events that have started. Last night I was at baseball, remembering clearly why I made a nice new wool hat. My head and ears were nice and warm, even when the rest of me wasn't. Now the Kansas wind definitely did not help that! I knew that there would be time before my game, so I made sure that I had something to work on. I started this had to have it casted on before I got to the game, and all the progress I made happened before the game started, and before I lost feeling in my fingers and needed to put my gloves on!

This weekend I spent all my weekend knitting time
swatching! I hate
swatching! Unfortunately I know how important it is! This yarn is
O-wool in the colorway 4008 which is a lovely ruby red. O-wool is a blend of Organic Cotton and Organic Wool 50%-50%. I plan on making a simple raglan sleeve, top-down t-shirt. This will be a first attempt at a t-shirt, which makes the
swatching so important! I just don't like doing it!

I even washed it like I was supposed to, and it came out so nicely and washed up easy, so I am looking forward to starting it, now I just need to get all the needles I need for it!
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