Saturday, March 8, 2008

Third in State

I am so proud of my East High Blue Aces boys basketball team! We have been submerged for the last three days in basketball and traveling back and forth between Wichita and Emporia Kansas. Yesterday's semi-final game, was as close to a championship game as you could have asked for. And if the brackets had been set up differently, could have been tonight's final game. Instead it went down to the last 20 seconds of the game. We had already split in two overtime, regular season games with our close town friends/rivals, the Southeast Buffalos. We battled back in the 4th quarter and tied, and exchanged leads, and ended up barley losing the game. But I am so proud of my team. They picked themselves up and came in this afternoon ready to play, another town rival and played well. They took home the third place trophy and ended on a positive note. (I will have pictures to follow when our manager e-mails them to me)

Beyond that, it has been an adventurous weekend. Thursday night when I got home, the big one came out of her room in a total daze. The Hubby said that she was talking gibberish, and he couldn't figure out what was going on. She was also swaying back and forth wiggling her hips, and refused to speak to me. I took one glance at the glassy look on her face, and rushed her to the potty! She is just too much like her mommy! I told Hubby, if she ever does that again, just get her on the potty, just ask her grandma how I know this!

Then there is the little one. We have been trying this new reward system of star stickers for staying in bed and not screaming when she wakes up in the middle of the night, because after all, she is a big girl of 3. So far, we have gotten one sticker in a week, the goal is 5 a week for a treat. Last night, I got home, she woke up, and would pop her head out of her room a few times. Then I heard the thump, and swore she had fallen out of bed. I went to check on her, only to find her crawling out from under the bed where she was, "just looking". She followed that up with a little chorus of her own tune, and promptly lost any chance of a sticker this morning. We will see how tonight goes.

On a knitterly note, I truly have gone over the edge! We were on a chartered bus, so I was able to knit up and back and before our game on Thursday, no problem. Yesterday, I had added a basic 3x3 rib hat to my sock that I was working on, because it required less focus when we were waiting on the game before us to finish. I managed to stalk a person, because she had on the cutest hat with a very cool cable pattern to it, and I even tried to take a picture of it with my phone so that I could study it later. Only one problem, she was walking, and I was walking, and she didn't know I was following her, so the picture was so blurry, it looked like a cream blob. I guess I need to get better at my cable stalking! So the night ended on a somber note, then I got on the bus, and the lights did not work. I am awfully proud of myself though, I knitted for 30 - 45 minutes in the pitch dark by feel and counting to 3. Even better, when I got home in the light, I hadn't made any mistakes. I was floored. Then today, we were up and back in the daylight, so knitting both directions was not a problem. I am about halfway down the leg of my second rambler sock, and have about an inch and a half of the hat. I hope I would have done the Yarnharlot proud!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, you should know exactly what the problem was with the big one. There could be a bit of sleep-walking to come...remember the closet? She is her mother's daughter:)